Month: June 2013

Meet our Teacher of the Month, Nadja!


When and how did you come to yoga?

I took my first yoga class in 2005 at East Bank Club in Chicago – it was a 90 minute ashtanga class – and I was hooked! There was something about yoga that resonated deeply within me and so much seemed almost intuitive.

Why did you start teaching yoga?

The year I turned 40, I hit the pause button and did an in-depth life evaluation. There were some areas in my life where I had enjoyed some success but where there was very little fulfillment. I decided to make some major changes – including pursuing my passion of living, breathing and sharing this amazing gift called yoga. I am extremely blessed!

What is your favorite pose?
Eka pada rajakapotasana!  It’s such a beautiful pose – it really requires an open heart and alot of trust. Your hands are bound to your feet behind your head, and you are leading with your heart, offering it to the universe, raw and uninhibited. It’s both scary and exhilirating.
Who inspires your teaching?
Yogis inspire me!! Students, fellow teachers, master teachers. I learn and grow each and every day by connecting with yogis from all walks of life. I feel inspired by the beautiful energy, spirit and playfulness that I see in others. It’s those glimpses of authenticity that shine through when we are totally absorbed in the present moment – THAT inspires me.
Tips for beginners: 
1. Come as you are! Yoga will meet you right there.
2. Focus on your breath and let your poses come to you.
3. Don’t think, FEEL!!
What’s your favorite quote?
“Practice and all is coming.” – Sri K. Pattabhi Jois