Month: April 2021

Wellness Wednesday: Between Our Dreaming and Waking State

On my days off I have been waking up to go practice at the yoga studio followed by going across the street to grab a coffee and there is this brief moment in waking up that there is a sigh of relief that the day can be slow, the destination i am going to is a space of gentleness and somewhere along the commute between my apartment and yoga studio there will be a sunrise to watch between the skyscrapers that will remind me that the world will continue to buzz, reality will settle into the days tone but i still have a firm grasp on this sense of stillness.

Each day we experience a magical twilight between our dreams and waking state. During this brief period of time, our minds still remember that all things are possible. We can smoothly transition into our physical world without losing a sense of hope when we check in with our heart center first,. Our heart center is the link between body and spirit, instinct and inspiration. In a mere moment we can review all that we want to accomplish, value, desire. When we get into the habit of beginning our day from the heart, all of our activities glow with the infusion of conscious intent and all interactions are done with compassion.

We can restart our day right now by imagining how love and inspiration feel. noticing that radiance, any feelings of stress or frustration become small. Now, we see each person we encounter as fellow travelers in this life, and every activity becomes part of a spiritual ritual and this can be contagious to other conscious participants.

In the intersection where our body and soul meet, our physical heart beats in time with the rhythm of the universe. It does the physical work of supplying our body with life force without our awareness, but for its spiritual work, we need to be conscious. When we concentrate on its rhythm and radiance we are practicing gratitude for where we are now.



Wellness Wednesday: Feeling Safe On Our Mat

My first in studio practice after quarantine I noticed I was too anxious to rest my arms next to my sides in savasana. It felt too vulnerable, too exposed, too unsafe. It felt as if my body kept wanting to retract into a little ball of fear despite my practice being eager to show my body that it was okay, that the practice would help. Although guidance from a teacher is inspiring, the energy from other students is uplifting and there’s no thought sequence to create, sometimes the language used by us teachers to introduce a posture or expression can feel forced instead of invited despite their intention is meant to be purely for the good. It is important we remind ourselves that our practice is entirely ours. We decide what we take from guidance.

So I began a home practice as a chance to connect back to my body so that maybe it would not feel so much of a stranger but instead a familiarly of returning home to a space that provided strength, comfort and ultimately safety.

Home does not necessarily have to be a physical location. It has many connotations. To some, home is merely a place where basic needs are addressed. To others, home is the foundation from which they draw their strength and tranquility. Still, others view home as a place linked to family. Yet all these definitions of home imply somewhere we can be ourselves and are totally accepted. My home practice offered no time limit, no judgement, no expectation, no comparison, no specific style.

When we strip away these attachments, we reveal what needs of ours need tending, nourishment and the more patience we give ourself, the more my body became open to practicing, open to expansion, open to growth.

I noticed myself feeling more inspired, energized, confident, ultimately safe. Free and in control of my body. At some point along the way we will finally have a glimpse into what it feels like to be home in our body.



Wellness Wednesday: Your Light People

“stay close to those that feel like sunlight”

As we move through life we may come to realize that the people we decide to surround ourselves with are sacred to the quality of our well being. If we allow ourselves the opportunity to truthfully reflect what relationships and connections we possess, it comes clear which of these relationships are draining our energy or are filling our cup.

Our light people will present themselves in times of distress when we signal that we are requesting their support and continue to radiate the love and support consistently. They will hold space for us when do not have the time, energy, or opportunity to center ourself and provide guidance that originates from a variety of perspectives based off their individual experiences.

Whether the support they provide comes in the form of guidance or wisdom, their combined presence will give us a sense of security that strengthens us and reminds us that we are unconditionally loved.



Wellness Wednesday: When We Experience Depletion

When we feel depleted from our state of vibrancy, this does not mean that we are lazy or unfit for the tasks in our lives, it simply means that we need to recharge our batteries and find a way of maintaining our sustainability.

When we are experiencing depletion, we can take an honest look at our patterns of thought, actions and feeling. They may give us a hint to the what is misaligned with who we really are. However this exhaustion may not be caused internally. There may be people or situations in our life which may be draining our energy. Once we gain clarity on the root cause, we can better direct our flow of energy.

Later we may come to realize the reason we feel depleted has less to do with how much we are doing and more to do with the fact that in our heart, we would much rather be doing something else entirely different as the quality of our passions. Now that we have come to expose our deeper layers internally, we have the ability to acknowledge what our heart truly wants. It may be as subtle as meditation, or just a moment of inner silence to gain the clarity we need. When we know what we truly want to do, and honor that in all situations, we will find ourselves realigning to sustainability.

