Month: June 2017

Mindful Monday: Raising our Vibrations 

Good morning and happy Monday, oh mindful ones! 
Last week was such an energetically charged week! We observed the summer solstice, the official first day of summer, which is an ancient phenomena. We also celebrated international yoga day, which is a very modern observance. Eid al Fitr, the festival of  the breaking of the fast, indicating the end of Ramadan, was celebrated all over the world.  Chicago hosted its annual gay pride parade. 

 Each of these events brought thousands and even millions of people together, focused on one sentiment, literally raising humanity’s consciousness and vibration. It really doesn’t matter your religious beliefs; our collective  awareness is still elevated. 

Anytime a group of like-minded people get together focusing movement in one direction, we have an opportunity to get out of the prison of our own minds by enjoying and becoming part of the flow and force of life. 

We move toward higher consciousness – “a state of elevated awareness and perception in which a person has a deeper understanding of the nature of reality, the self and various spiritual aspects of life that play an important role in one’s personal evolution and psychological development.” 

This is the same dynamic energy we experience when we come together on our mats and practice yoga. We are striving to move from the darkness toward the light. From unconsciousness to consciousness. It is a lifelong practice and our purpose here on Earth.

The four stages of spiritual consciousness are outlined below:

1. Life happens to you.

2. Life happens by you.

3. Life happens in you.

4. Life happens for you.

We move from victim to awareness. We realize that judging and intolerance are inner mechanisms of resistance – that a higher level of consciousness allows an opening to all things life provides us. 

 “Life is setup, to bring up, what has been bound up, so it can open up, to be freed up, so you can show up for Life!” – Mary O’Malley

Have a great week, yogis! 

Mindful Monday: Strength 

Happy Mindful  Monday, friends! I hope you had a lovely weekend. 
Yesterday was a special day where we honor and celebrate our fathers. When I think of my father, who I am so blessed is still with us, I think of strength. No, he doesn’t look anything like the dude pictured above.  My dad has a quiet strength that I’ve always leaned on. It’s given me an endless supply of confidence my entire life. When I was younger, my dad knew everything. And he is the most patient, kind, compassionate person I’ve ever met. 
I’m also so blessed that my son has two fathers in his life. His dad and his stepdad. These two special men are so devoted to my son. They are providers of everything my child needs to navigate this world; the most important being love and patience and support. 

When I think of a great father, it is someone who is strong and steady; wise; can fix anything; protector; sets boundaries and expectations. All of these qualities exude fatherly love IMO. It can sometimes seem like a thankless job. 

I was not able to spend the day with my dad yesterday as he is traveling in Asia. I was fortunate to spend part of it with my big brother and his family. And my mother. 

Maybe yesterday was a struggle for you. Perhaps you are missing your dad who is no longer here. I know some of you may not have had the best relationship with your father. He was lacking in some way that still causes your inner child so much pain. Or there was physical distance that separated you, as in my case. For many reasons, yesterday may have not been the happy, shiny image that you saw all over social media. 

The truth is, we give and receive this fatherly type of love to those around us all the time. We’ve all had to fill in as some type of a father figure at some points in our lives. Families pull together to plug in the gaps. Anytime someone has protected you from some external threat or shielded you from some pain. Anytime you have fixed something for someone or even wrapped them in your arms and provided a shoulder to cry upon. Tossed a baseball or football with a child. Even picking up the dinner tab for family and friends. Quietly provided and received strength and confidence. These are the qualities that embody a father – you have received this type of love from some fatherly source in your life. 

Yoga teaches us to understand that everything happens exactly as it should. Whether your childhood relationship with your father was lacking or filled with love, it has shaped you into the amazing, strong, lovely person that you are. So important that we acknowledge exactly how we feel and learn to slowly heal and nurture our own inner child. 

Do you know what the best thing about childhood is? It’s that it’s over. Your safety, security and happiness are now in your hands. Nobody elses. 

Have a great week, yogis! Looking forward to seeing so many of you on your mats this week! 

Mindful Monday: Summer Solstice 

Good morning, mindful ones!!!! Happy Monday. It feels like summer is in full effect, doesn’t it? This steamy, balmy weather reminds us of why we actually live in the Midwest – because during the harsh winter months, it’s a valid question! But I contend that there’s no better city than Chicago during this time of year!
While it may feel like some summer, the official kick off for summer is the summer solstice which according to the all-knowing internet is on Tuesday, June 20 at 11:24 pm in our Midwest time zone.  So slow your roll over there with your #summer2017 hashtags.  That was directed toward myself. 

Our YBD community will be observing the summer solstice on Saturday, June 17 from 1-3 pm with Ashley (pictured above) at our Downers Grove studio. By doing a Yoga mala together – The auspicious and revered and auspiciously revered 108 sun salutations. 

This practice can be done by most people. While it sounds a bit intimidating, once you get into a rhythm it becomes a deeply meditative experience. It’s certainly something that should be on every yogi’s bucket list! If you’ve been practicing consistently for six months, you should definititey come and try!

Spaces is still available so sign up today! I will see you there!!!

Namaste beautiful yogis. Have a great week!!! 

June Pose of the Month

I’m so happy that the month of summer is finally here! Even if you’re not in the place anymore of enjoying a summer totally off, just the nice weather alone seems to give the body a bit of a reprieve. We’re warmer and therefore less tense, happier and therefore less frantic. Life is busy, so much so that people make memes and t-shirt that say “CAN’T ADULT TODAY” and I gotta tell ya, some days I want one. There’s either so much to do that we just sit on the floor in savasana recounting an endless to-do list, or we overexert ourselves thinking we are Wonder (Wo)Man and then crash and burn. The burnout is real. I’d love to give you a good restorative pose to revive and rejuvenate, but this month is about the comeback. Get up, stand up, feel the burn, move your body. Here’s extended side angle, a core buster and hammie strengthener, and one that’s sure to give you all the stamina you need.


Accessing Extended Side Angle:

  • Set up in a strong Warrior II by anchoring your back heel to the floor, stacking your front knee on top of ankle, and getting low in your lunge so that your front thigh is near parallel to the floor
  • Lengthen and pull your fingertips and abdomen slightly forward, and then exhale and hinge downward from your hips
  • Keep your arms open so that your bottom arm lowers down and in front of your knee and calf, and your top fingertips extend open and toward the sky
  • Firm your shoulder blades against your back ribs and rotate your chest open
  • Use your core to try to keep the foundation of your legs strong, and trust yourself to get deep into your lunge

Benefits of Extended Side Angle Pose:

  • Strengthens legs, knees, and ankles
  • Stretches inner thighs, groins, spine, and shoulders
  • Stimulates abdominal organs
  • Increases energy

Mindful Monday: The Butterfly Effect

Happy Mindful Monday, y’all! Wowzah! What a fantastic weekend! So much fun happening in the Chicago area! We are in full on summer concert mode.  Cue the graduation parties and weddings.   I hope you got out there and had some F-U-N!

Last Friday morning, I dropped my son off at school for the very last time of his sophomore year. For two school years, I’ve dropped him off. Through the heat of late summer, the crispness of fall, snow, rain, hail and Windy City windchill. And almost every single morning, I would interact with John, the crossing guard.  

I was nervous during the first few days of high school, dropping my son off in a much larger campus. John’s bright, welcoming smile during the early days was so reassuring. 

 I’ve kind of gotten to know him the past couple of years. And greeting him each morning is truly a bright spot in my day. The weather fluctuates like crazy, but John is always smiling and cheerful and kind. 

I’ll smile and wave at him most mornings. Often I’ll roll the window down, and we give each other the knuckle pound or shake hands. That brief fleeting interaction literally lifts my spirits for the rest of the morning. I always drive away with a big smile on my face.  

Some days I can’t catch his eye; maybe he’s focused on helping kids cross the parking lot without getting run over by a soccer mom who is running late; or sometimes he’s talking to his other fans. And I always experience a sinking disappointment those mornings. 

John is such a reminder of the butterfly effect – the theory that small causes, such as the flapping of a butterfly’s wings, can cause ripples of large effects. 

The truth is we never really know how much a smile and a wink can lift another’s spirits. We may never know how that brief interaction may impact someone’s entire day. 

And vice versa. An angry word or thoughtless gesture may have a large impact that becomes a long chain reaction. 

The butterfly effect is actually a scientific theory which states that a single occurrence can literally change the course of the entire universe. 

Armed with this knowledge, what effect do you choose to have on the universe this week? Every thought every word every deed has the potential to change the world. 

Thanks for reading this blog.  Have a great week!

I hope to see your beautiful soul sometime on your mat this week!

Meet Hillary, YBD Teacher of the Month

We are so grateful to have Hillary as part of our YBD team! She is such a kind, thoughtful, warm soul and radiates that as she teaches. She is a strong part of our sculpt program and adds such a great energy to our community by leading workshops and events at various YBD locations. As a school teacher, she is off for the summer so will be around the studios subbing and spreading her joy! Come see her!

Mondays Sculpt 6:00pm DG
Mondays Restorative 8:00pm DG
Wednesdays Sculpt 4:30pm GE
Saturdays Sculpy 9:00am DG

When and how did you come to yoga?

About five years ago, my friend Christina brought me to my first yoga class. And I remember I didn’t really want to go because I was scared and nervous. But I soon fell in love with how it made me feel physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Why did you start teaching yoga?

For years I never felt strong, graceful, or flexible. And when I started practicing yoga, I started to feel all of those things and more. I couldn’t believe all of the benefits and how great I felt. I felt calmer yet stronger, relaxed yet invigorated. I was in love with yoga! And because of this, I wanted to share my passion and love for yoga with others.

What is your favorite pose?

Savasana is definitely on the list. I also love pigeon, half moon, crow, and tripod headstand.

Who inspires your teaching?

Everything inspires me. My boyfriend inspires me to take on new challenges and reminds me when I am strong (especially when I feel everything but that). My parents inspire me to believe in myself. My dog inspires me to stay in the moment and love everyone. My cats inspire me to rest when I need it. Nature reminds me that life is a beautiful gift. My friends, family, students, and fellow yogis inspire me to try new things, tap into my inner strength, laugh, and keep learning and growing.

Tips for beginners…

Keep coming back!

What’s your favorite quote?

My favorite quote of all time is from Shakespeare. “And this above all: to thine own self be true.”