YBD Teacher of The Month

Yoga By Degrees Teacher of The Month

Mindful Monday: Are you Happy?

Happy Monday, dear ones!

How happy are you at this very moment? Hah! Excellent question, n’est pas?

It’s not a trick question. It’s pretty simple, actually. And the truth is, you are as happy as you want to be. So super simple and straightforward. But …. not even the teeniest bit easy!

We’ve been conditioned to think of happiness as a commodity; a valuable product to be purchased or at least earned through hard work and sacrifice. Buy this face cream and you’ll be beautiful and happy. Buy these hundred dollar yoga pants and you’ll be happy and chic on your yoga mat. Swathe your body head to toe in nothing but the finest fabrics and designer labels. Push yourself hard each day in beast mode – super happy! Don’t ever ingest another animal protein, that will do it! Drink coffee, don’t drink coffee. Do a 10 day silent meditation retreat. Get married. Get divorced. Quit your big job and become a full-time yoga teacher.

Now there’s certainly nothing wrong with doing any of those things listed above. At all. I’ve done all of them and many, many more! (A whole other blog’s worth.) But let’s not confuse those things with happiness, as I did for many decades.

As it turns out, happiness is an inside job.

So… Do you want to be happy? It’s a simple question, in fact, the only question that matters the rest of your life.

And the truth is, you are already so worthy of happiness. There’s no need to chase it or earn it. No certain race or religion has a monopoly on it. Like the sun shining on every living creature, happiness shines on all of us. It is essentially your birthright. Just by being born, you have every right to be happy.

So if you answer yes, it has to be an unconditional yes. Life will still happen to you. People will leave you. You’ll get a flat tire. You’ll be late for work because of traffic. Your teenager will say mean things to you. And many many many more things of that nature going to happen. But you have decided to be happy; those things will not veer you off your course of happiness, unless you let them.

There’s really great reasons to be happy.

I mean you practice yoga religiously to be strong and fit and flexible and healthy. So it’s kind of silly to do all of that and still remain unhappy, isn’t it?

The happier you are, more happy vibrations will be attracted to you. It has a compound effect.

And according to the Dalai Lama, it’s a pretty simple first step.

Perhaps the only step. And while you’re treating every other human with kindness, sprinkle some of that good stuff onto yourself!

Anicca! Anicca! Anicca! Be happy! Be happy! Be happy!

Meet Chantel, YBD Teacher of the Month

‘And though she be but little, she is FIERCE’

Chantel greets you warmly with her sweet smile at the desk and gracefully challenges you on the mat. Her classes are thoughtfully prepared and leave you feeling balanced and strong. She puts her heart and soul into each and every class and that is certainly felt by her students. Here’s where you can experience some Chantel magic:

Wednesdays (South Naperville)
YBD1 85   6:30pm
YBD2 105 8pm
Thursdays  (Wheaton)
YBD HOT   9:30am
Saturdays  (South Naperville)
HIIT Pilates 8am
YBD2 9:30am
Restorative 11am
When and How did you come to yoga?
My mom was my first yoga teacher.   As a teen I would watch her teach and on occasion I would join in and practice with her, however it wasn’t until about six years ago that I started with a committed practice.  As a way to rehabilitate a back injury, I decided to commit to a bi-weekly practice.  Not only did I heal my back, but I found a powerful source of total connection and peace every time I stepped onto my mat.  Needless to say I was hooked!
Why did you start teaching yoga?
I wanted to connect with like minded people that shared the same vision on heath and wellness as I do.  Completing my teacher training here at YBD served as a beautiful foundation for  cultivating these relationships and essentially helped springboard me into my teaching career.
What is your favorite pose?
Who inspires your teaching?
There are so many people that inspire me every day!   My family, my students, and other teachers are a great source of teachings and wisdom. Some personalities in particular that I look to for inspiration are Tara Brach, Rolf Gates, and Leigha Butler.
Tips for beginners…
Practice!  Keep showing up on your mat!  Get curious!  Shift from your “thinking” mode to “feeling mode”.  Your yoga practice is so much more than just getting in and out of each posture, it is about reconnecting with yourself…body, mind, and soul.  In a beginners mind lies great potential for growth and self discovery, so try to surrender to the uncertainty of it all and just breathe and observe.
What is your favorite quote?
“Practice, and all is coming…” – Sri Pattabhi Jois
What you practice, you will become, so it is important to observe what you practice.  What are your habits and how are they serving you?   Finding a pause in your day, EVERYDAY, allows time and space for self reflection.

Meet Teri, YBD Teacher of the Month

Trying something new and challenging in the new year? Our South Naperville and Glen Ellyn locations offer Traditional Hot classes; the perfect way to detox after the holiday season! Our Traditional Hot instructor, Teri, has been teaching for over a decade! Her experienced classes are nurturing and welcoming. She adds a lightness and humor to her classes that provides a sense of comfort and fun! She is a very helpful and dedicated part of our YBD team and we hope you get a chance to spend time with her on your mat this year!

When and how did you come to yoga?

My yoga experience started with Bikram yoga in 2004. I graduated Yoga College Of India Los Angeles in spring 2006. I wanted to teach yoga because I am a people person. It’s my nature to want to help people and i saw first hand the many benefits a yoga practice can bestow on the regular practitioners, myself included.

Why did you start teaching yoga?

My personal practice has led me to Vinyasa where I love the gymnastics of it, the upside downs & backbends… however I feel the mix of the different yoga styles is best.

What is your favorite pose?

Currently Scorpion (Vyaghrasaba-Vrscikasna)

Who inspires your teaching?

Students are my best inspiration for teaching! Seeing their practice grow hearing the personal wins, healing, and accomplishments is so rewarding and encouraging. My favorite mentor is Emmy Cleaves a long time hot yoga teacher that is still teaching beyond her 85th year.

Tips for beginners…

The best tip I can pass on to new students is to come well hydrated and to begin an electrolyte regimen.

What’s your favorite quote?
My favorite quote is more of an expression – Live, Love, Teach!

Meet Jenny P. YBD Teacher of the Month

Tis the season to sweat! The perfect place to warm up during the chilly days is on your mat in Jenny P.’s sculpt and pilates classes. Jenny’s classes are fun, challenging, and inspiring. Her sequences and playlist are thoughtfully created to cultivate a personal connection to her students in the space. No doubt a great addition to your day and a great way to take time for you this holiday season. Read more about Jenny P here:

Jenny’s Schedule:

Tuesdays in Western Springs

9:30am Sculpt

Wednesdays in Western Springs

12:00 HIIT Pilates

When and how did you come to yoga?

I started yoga years ago in the city ago practicing Bikram. I loved the repetitive nature of the sequence because it forced me to let go of any outside thoughts, stresses and insecurities and focus on the intricacy of each pose. The heat left me feeling cleansed and more limber each time I practiced. Fast forward a few years and I was living in the burbs with babies.

Exhausted and craving that same mental focus I found with Birkam, I found my way back to hot yoga, but this time it was with a yoga sculpt class. You hear this all the time, but it’s true for so many of us. After the first class I was hooked, and never looked back. Each yoga sculpt class is a competition with myself. Before each class I take, I set a goal for myself…do every chaturanga, every push up, or truly surrender at the end of class. I have fallen in love with yoga. The flow with a Level 2, the intensity of sculpt, the release of a restorative class…
Why did you start teaching yoga?

Before I had kids, I was a 5th grade teacher, so the teaching bug has been a part of  me for a long time. I thought about teacher training for a good year and a half before taking the plunge, and I can’t really express how happy I am that I made the decision to do it. Teaching yoga has given me so much joy and satisfaction. Seeing my students leave class happy and refreshed is what it’s all about.

What is your favorite pose?

My favorite pose is child’s pose. I love everything it represents…a clean slate, fresh start, and in class, I like to say a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th chance, because life is full of amazing, wonderful things, and it’s also full of making mistakes and feeling guilt, so to have the opportunity at the end of class to breathe in forgiveness and leave with a fresh start is a beautiful thing.

Who inspires your teaching?

Oh my gosh, where do I start?!

First and foremost, my fellow teachers. I take their classes to feed off their strength and get inspired, and we are so lucky to have a team of amazing teachers who set the bar so high for me week after week. Also, each playlist I make is personal. I choose music that I have a real connection to…a song might take me back to a specific memory of my childhood or remind me of a dear friend or loved one.

Tips for beginners…

I say these things time.. Take class at your own pace. Use weights or don’t. Listen to your body, it knows best. Each day in your body is different, find where you are today and go with it. It’s your class, not mine, I’m just here to guide you through. The point of this class is to leave feeling happy and challenged, not pushed beyond your ma and frustrated…I could go on and on:)

What’s your favorite quote?

‘If you can’t fly then run, If you can’t run then walk. If you can’t walk then crawl. But whatever you do keep moving forward.’


Meet Sarah, YBD teacher of the month

Feeling low on energy with the shift in seasons? Spend some time on your mat with Sarah W. and we are positive she will share some of her infectious joy with you! Sarah’s warm smile and fun flowed classes are just a few of the reasons we love this sweet yogi! Here’s where you can find her and experience this fun for yourself!

When and how did you come to yoga?

I started practicing yoga about 16 years ago (woah-how am I that old?!?!?!?) I had been in a car accident and physical therapy wasn’t really helping me strengthen my back so the therapist suggested I try yoga and see if that helped! I enrolled in a class at the YMCA by my house and HATED IT!!!!! But I kept coming back to class because it was hard for me and I wanted to “conquer” yoga

Why did you start teaching yoga?

I started teaching 15 years ago. I was a group fitness instructor and the yoga teacher went on maternity leave and since I had been practicing for a bit, my supervisor asked me to take over the class. Not an inspired reason at all, but thank goodness that happened!!!!!!

What is your favorite pose?

I have a bunch of favorite poses but probably the one I feel most graceful, beautiful, strong and free in is trikonasana/triangle pose. It is my ultimate TA-DA pose!

Who inspires your teaching?

It sounds cheesy but my students inspire my teaching the most! I love seeing them lay out their mats, watching them carve out that time for themselves and surrender into their practice, and leave happier, calmer, more grounded. I love watching them fall in love with their practice, discover their strength, tap into their stillness and embrace who they are. I am the luckiest girl in the world that I get to witness this each and every day! It inspires me and energizes me!

Tips for beginners…

My biggest tip for beginners is to keep showing up! Stay with it. Keep coming to your mat and moving and breathing. Don’t try to do everything perfectly; don’t THINK… just feel the way it feels to move and breath. And when things get hard, smile and then take another breath.

What’s your favorite quote?

I think one of my favorite quotes is by Eric Shiffman, which I discovered while studying with Rolf Gates. Eric says that yoga is a way of moving into stillness to experience the truth of you are really are. It’s a matter of looking inwardly always and then simply being daring enough-and trusting enough- to do as you are prompted to do. This quote reminds me to get out of my head and start to practice from my heart.


Meet Gizel, YBD teacher of the month

Wow, how is it September already?! Amidst the hustle and bustle of the school year starting, the seasons changing, and life in general, make sure you carve out time for yourself! We cannot think of a better way to fill your own cup than flowing on your mat in one of Gizel’s lovely classes. Gizel shares her kindness and joy with her students in all of her classes. Her smile is contagious and her classes are thoughtful and fulfilling. Here’s where you can find her:

Fridays @ Wheaton

4:00 *YBD 1* 85

5:15 *Fun Flow Fridays (themes change weekly)* 85

When and how did you come to yoga?

After the birth of my oldest, I needed something that would fill my
soul and be kind to my body.

Why did you start teachi
ng yoga?

I just wanted to share my joy for the practice with others and the
peace it brings me in this hectic life.

What is your favorite pose?

Triangle. I was a math major in college and love all the angles and
freedom the pose brings.

Who inspires your teaching?

I have great respect for the seat of the yoga teacher, so I’m always
grateful and inspired by every single teacher who has guided me
through my practice.

Tips for beginners…

Don’t compare your yoga practice with anyone else’s- it belongs
uniquely to you and is an expression of your personal, beautiful

What’s your favorite quote?

 “Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic,
imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be
greater than our level of self-acceptance.”-Brené Brown

Meet Denice, YBD Teacher of the Month

“Denice S.’s sculpts are amazing. Her PT [Personal Training] really shows, all safe while having fun!” This just one of the many positive notes we’ve received about our new amazing sculpt teacher Denice. You will find her teaching her energetic, motivating, fun sculpt classes at all of our locations as part of her permanent teaching schedule as well as helping out by subbing for other teachers as often as she can. She’s also there to greet you with her kind smile as you enter the studio as one of our most hard working and supportive front desk attendants. She is such an asset to our YBD family we are so grateful to have her. Here’s where you can experience her fun classes:

Tuesdays, Glen Ellyn @ 430pm
Thursdays, Downers Grove @ 6:00am
Thursdays, Wheaton @ 7:15pm
Friday, Elmhurst @ 6:00am
Friday, Downers Grove @ 9:00am
Sunday, Wheaton @ 10:00am

When and how did you come to yoga?

One day I just started feeling really down on myself, full of anxiety and unable to relax.  A good friend of mine took me to a 105 degree room for 90 min and I couldn’t get enough and started practicing Bikram Yoga 5 times per week.  I started practicing Bikram Yoga about 8 years ago and know there was much more to this yoga journey than only practicing one style.  So I ventured out and started taking Vinyasa and Yin classes loving them both.

Why did you start teaching yoga?

I was tired and stressed every day coming home from my corporate job as a paralegal.  With also being a personal trainer I knew if I started teaching yoga it would be a perfect fit to my personal training as well as tone down my daily stress and anxiety.  I just wanted to be happy and whenever I was in the studio on my mat I was all smiles.

What is your favorite pose?

My favorite pose would have to be Fallen Angel with Dancer being the runner up.  I love this pose as I feel that I am so exposed to the whole universe and the feeling of this beautiful heart opener is just simply amazing.

Who inspires your teaching?

I would have to say my dad and my students inspire my teaching.  Seeing my students open up and be exactly who they are, no strings attached and leave with a big smile on their face just makes me appreciate my teaching and love for yoga even more.  Before my dad passed away he told me that teaching yoga was what I was meant to do and always wanted me to do dancer pose for him.  His favorite picture was me outside in Dancers Pose.  The smile of disbelief on his face that I could stand on one leg and hold this pose still melts my heart today.

Tips for beginners…

My tips for beginners would be come to your mat with no expectations and no judgments and breathe.  When you are breathing you are doing yoga.  Be who you are don’t worry what anyone one else is doing.  Yoga is all about you and what you need from your mat.  Practice makes progress, you are already perfect.

What’s your favorite quote?

Favorite quote would have to be “Do what you love, love what you do”!


Meet Kristin, YBD Teacher of the Month

Happy July yogi friends! This month we are happy to honor our teacher of the month Kristin. She started as a dedicated student at Yoga By Degrees in 2014, completed our 200 hour Teacher Training program in 2015, and is now sharing her love of yoga with so many students as an instructor. Kristin is dedicated to creating a supported, caring space for her students to practice. She pours herself into her sequences and dedicates herself to growing and blossoming as an instructor so that her students have the best experience with her in class. She is a wonderful asset to our YBD team and we are so grateful for her! Here’s where you can find her:


8:00 YBD2 105 Wheaton


8:00 YBD2 105 Western Springs


6:00 YBD2 95 Western Springs

8:00 YBD 105 Western Springs


7:30 YBD 2 Glen Ellyn

10:15 YBD1 Downers Grove


12:00 YBD2 95 Downers Grove

1:30 Restorative Downers Grove

4:00 YBD2 95 Western Springs

5:30 Restorative/Meditation Western Springs

When and how did you come to yoga?

After the birth of my son roughly 10 years ago, I started taking yoga at the gym. I immediately loved the challenge of vinyasa yoga and started noticing the benefits quickly. My balance improved in no time and my pants became easier to put on, not just because I lost a little weight, but because my balance and flexibility had improved. When I moved to the suburbs, yoga was not offered at my gym and I drifted away from vinyasa practice. After suffering from a herniated disc, I returned to yoga. I sought out exercise that was low impact to avoid further injury to my lumbar spine. When I found Yoga by Degrees, I found my new home away from home and was completely hooked.

What is your favorite pose?

Savasana wins hands down. There is nothing like a great savasana after a satisfying practice. My favorite flow posture is Prasarita padottanasana (Wide legged forward fold). Not only does it feel so good on the hamstrings and low back, it is a pose that offers playtime for other poses that I love: inversions and arm balances.


Who inspires your teaching?

YBD has a truly remarkable and inspiring community of students and teachers. The well is full, for which I am tremendously grateful. I am continually inspired by students overcoming physical and mental challenges with continued yoga practice.  My husband and kids are a constant source of ideas for dharma themes.  Also, I am inspired by so many books and videos and audio recordings which include offerings from Thich Nhat Hanh, BKS Iyengar, Bernie Clark and Shakti Gawain.


Tips for beginners…

When I first walked into yoga, I found it sharpened my listening skills. It is helpful to listen attentively to the cues while focusing on your breath. It helps people to move into and deeply feel a pose. Learn to rely on the cues and your breath, and try to only look at a teacher’s demo if you really need a reference for an unfamiliar pose. Breath is one of the most important primary tools for growth and transformation in practice. Remove your ego as much as you can and awaken your senses within. Honor your intuition (which means skipping postures and adding others in when you need to) to nourish your body in practice.


What’s your favorite quote?

A favorite excerpt from Michael A. Singer’s Untethered Soul: “Your inner growth is completely dependent upon the realization that the only way to find peace and contentment is to stop thinking about yourself. . . letting go allows you to free your energies so that you can free yourself. Right in the midst of your daily life, by untethering yourself from the bondage of your psyche, you actually have the ability to steal freedom for your soul. This freedom is so great it has been given a special name – liberation.”

Meet Hillary, YBD Teacher of the Month

We are so grateful to have Hillary as part of our YBD team! She is such a kind, thoughtful, warm soul and radiates that as she teaches. She is a strong part of our sculpt program and adds such a great energy to our community by leading workshops and events at various YBD locations. As a school teacher, she is off for the summer so will be around the studios subbing and spreading her joy! Come see her!

Mondays Sculpt 6:00pm DG
Mondays Restorative 8:00pm DG
Wednesdays Sculpt 4:30pm GE
Saturdays Sculpy 9:00am DG

When and how did you come to yoga?

About five years ago, my friend Christina brought me to my first yoga class. And I remember I didn’t really want to go because I was scared and nervous. But I soon fell in love with how it made me feel physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Why did you start teaching yoga?

For years I never felt strong, graceful, or flexible. And when I started practicing yoga, I started to feel all of those things and more. I couldn’t believe all of the benefits and how great I felt. I felt calmer yet stronger, relaxed yet invigorated. I was in love with yoga! And because of this, I wanted to share my passion and love for yoga with others.

What is your favorite pose?

Savasana is definitely on the list. I also love pigeon, half moon, crow, and tripod headstand.

Who inspires your teaching?

Everything inspires me. My boyfriend inspires me to take on new challenges and reminds me when I am strong (especially when I feel everything but that). My parents inspire me to believe in myself. My dog inspires me to stay in the moment and love everyone. My cats inspire me to rest when I need it. Nature reminds me that life is a beautiful gift. My friends, family, students, and fellow yogis inspire me to try new things, tap into my inner strength, laugh, and keep learning and growing.

Tips for beginners…

Keep coming back!

What’s your favorite quote?

My favorite quote of all time is from Shakespeare. “And this above all: to thine own self be true.”


Meet Julie, YBD teacher of the Month

This May, we are happy to honor our Senior teacher Julie! Julie just celebrated her 5th anniversary teaching at Yoga By Degrees and we couldn’t be more grateful to have her as an integral piece of our puzzle and our May teacher of the month. The moment you enter the studio, you’re greeted by Julie’s warm, infectious smile. Her classes seem to be so effortlessly created yet are so uniquely woven together and always leave you feeling content, challenged, and grounded. We are huge fans of Julie and we know you will be too! Here’s where to find her:

Mondays, 8:00 am YBD-1 – Wheaton
Tuesdays, 6:00 am YBD-2 95 & 9:30 am YBD-Hot – Wheaton
Wednesdays, 6:00 am YBD-2 95 – Glen Ellyn
When and how did you come to yoga?
My yoga journey began about 20 years ago with mindfulness, meditation and the mind-body connection, really starting with the book “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind.” Nearly 15 years ago I stopped running because of pain in my back and knees. After moving to Naperville in 2005, I took my first hot yoga class. As I lay in savasana I thought “Oh…this is what it is like to be calm.” That was the beginning of my addiction to yoga. (It also helped my back and knee pain, as well as all the other aches and pains.)
Why did you start teaching yoga?
I love the therapeutic benefits of yoga and the calming effect it has on the mind-body, which is really what yoga is about. I had thought about teacher training for a while, but was always too busy. Then when the market crashed and I found myself without a job it was the perfect opportunity to start teaching yoga – one of the best decisions of my life.
What is your favorite pose?
How do I choose just one? It would have to be savasana. As I explained to a friend the other day…the entire class prepares you for savasana, that is when the yoga really happens.
Who inspires your teaching?
The students inspire me. They show up to their mat. They make it a priority.
Tips for beginners…
Let go of how you look (or think you look) and tune in to how you feel. Focus on your breath…if you can breathe, you can do yoga.
What’s your favorite quote?
Again, how do I choose just one? One of my favorites is by Edward Teller
“When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it’s time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.”