Month: February 2021

Wellness Wednesday: Silent Admirers In Hiding

“Love is to be expressed, not withheld”

Whether we realize it or not, we have impacted someone’s life and have those who adore us from afar. It is easy to assume people we care about know that we hold love for them. However, too many of us have become silent admirers that hold the words that can enrich another being’s life, day or moment.

While this is not necessarily a bad thing, there is importance in expressing the impact others have had on us. Verbally expressing our love, platonic or not, can reaffirm and strengthen a bond between two people in the highest form.

We each hold a multitude of love and We should never hold shame for loving too much as love exists to be expressed and not withheld. The best expression is shown without expectation of a return investment. This is an offering that is unconditional and given without strings attached.



Wellness Wednesday: Protecting Your Peace

It can be difficult to see where we begin and where the world ends with all the external influences we have. Requests from work may seem more like responsibilities and it often feels easier just to give in. We may shrug the hurtful words of a disrespectful person rather than engage in conflict. When the expected reactions and actions of us are not in align with our path, it is important we reflect on creating clear boundaries in order to take responsibility for our own needs.

we gain a sense of a self-confidence through which we realize we have control on how we react to the world around us. But when we are aware of our own needs and create appropriate boundaries, we begin to feel more secure and confident within our inner vessel knowing we deserve happiness.

