Month: July 2015

Meet Margaret, Teacher of the Month!

Margaret practicing Warrior 2.

Margaret practicing Warrior 2.

This July we are celebrating our very own, Margaret. Her dedication and positive energy have been an amazing contribution to the YBD community. Margaret, we want to thank you for the healing classes you have offered to our students. Thank you so much for the your critical bailouts with subbing whatever class or shift is out there and for saving the YBD staff countless times. Thank you for your sweet smile and constant kindness.

You will find Margaret teaching and subbing all class formats at all studios. There are her permanent classes on the current schedule:

Sundays, 9:00am YBD1 Western Springs

Wednesdays, 6:00pm YBD1 Western Springs

Wednesdays, 7:15pm Sculpt Western Springs

Read on to get to know sweet Margaret more:

When and how did you come to yoga? 

It was my husband Bob, my high school sweetheart and love of my life who gave me a yoga mat and video for Christmas one year.  The video taught me the basic poses and gave me the confidence to attend a class.  Since then I’ve been to countless classes as a teacher and as a student.  It wasn’t long before I discovered that yoga is so much more than the physical poses.

Why did you start teaching yoga?  

Yoga makes me feel good from the inside out so it felt natural to deepen my knowledge and share what I learned with others.

What is your favorite pose?  

I especially like the Warrior Poses.  Warrior poses and their variations teach us stamina, stability, strength and serenity.

Who inspires your teaching? 

I am inspired by many yoga teachers including all those I have the privilege to work with at YBD.   I’m inspired by the ancient yoga philosophy and modern psychology that encourages self inquiry and acceptance.  Lastly, I’m inspired by all the students whom are dedicated to their practice, embrace change and find joy, power and approval within.

Tips for beginners… 

Dress in comfortable exercise clothes.  A fitted shirt/top or one that can be tucked in.  Have a light snack an hour or two before class.  Arrive early, if possible, bring water and a sense of humor.

What’s your favorite quote? 

Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.  By Mahatma Gandhi