Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher Kyle S

Kyle is a natural born teacher; her ability to lead, explain, & breakdown each pose invites new yogis to find themselves & experienced yogis to go further than they thought they could. There is truly something for everyone in Kyle’s class! And if you like to travel, she can share tons! Kyle & her bestie Shasha B have taken on the world, give her an insta follow to see some of the amazing trips they have taken. 
1. When & how did you come to yoga yourself?
I came to yoga during my senior year of college. I stepped away from the world of competitive gymnastics when I went to college. After a few years off of physical activity, my body was craving some movement. Yoga made sense because it combines strength and grace, similar to gymnastics. I took a sculpt class in Western Springs and was hooked! I dove into vinyasa shortly after.
2. What made you decide to start teaching (or take TT)?
Teacher training was something I was interested in but wasn’t sure about. I was in an interim period between my bachelor’s and master’s degree and thought: if not now, when? <–YEP!
3. Favorite yoga pose:
It changes everyday! If you’ve taken my class you’ll know I’m really into the mythology behind the poses and how the stories can make the poses so much more dynamic. <—This is a super cool way to learn more about yoga & what a better way to learn about Eagle Pose than being IN Eagle Pose?!
4. Who inspires your teaching?
Definitely the students! Especially my Sunday crew at Western Springs. There’s some amazing yogis there who have been with me since I started teaching about 5 years ago! (and they suffered through my beginning teacher awkwardness!)
5. Tips for beginners (or advanced yogis maybe):
Yoga is mental and physical. But it’s also a reflection of the human experience. We fall, we lose balance, we tire, we find strength, we get frustrated, we err and make mistakes, we forgive, we find joy. Beginner or not, we all have these experiences reflected in our journeys on our mat. My tip is to always remember that. This practice and this life is a symphony with beautiful peaks and valleys.
6. Favorite quote: 
Not all who wander are lost.
7. Instagram name:
8. Interesting fact about you:
Teacher training not only deepened my practice and certified me to teach, but I met one of my best friends through YBDs teacher training! Sasha B. and I met in the Spring 2015 teacher training class. We clicked instantly and have been friends ever since. Her and I share a love for travel as well- we’ve gone to Bali, Peru, and Portugal together.
9. When I am  not doing yoga I like to:
Anything and everything! Read, run, drink wine, travel, laugh, spend time with my friends, sleep!

Meet the Teacher Susan J

Susan’s passion for fitness & wellness inspires her students & her big bright smile lights up a room! Her roll as a mom to 3 & background in the corporate world allows her to meet her students needs in every class she leads. Susan started with our HIIT Pilates team & has added Vinyasa to her schedule, we can’t wait to see what all she can accomplish! 

When and how did you come to yoga yourself

Since my teenage years, I have always had a passion for fitness, nutrition and wellness.   Working in the corporate world, 5:30 a.m. Group Fitness classes and early morning runs jump started and energized my days.  In 2017, my body was taking a toll from frequent high impact workouts and my spirit was craving something more.  At the encouragement of my close friend Laura Lusson, a fellow yogi teacher at YBD, I began practicing yoga at Yoga By Degrees and immediately became hooked.  The mind/body connection was something that I had not experienced before and it quickly became an outlet for releasing stress and gaining perspective on what’s truly important in life.

What made you decide to start teaching (or take TT)?

Soon after starting my practice at YBD, I quickly became hooked taking multiple classes each week.  I loved the way that it made me feel both physically and emotionally both during and following class.  I wanted to deepen my practice and learn more.  I knew that there was so much more than just the asana limb of yoga and wanted to enrich my understanding beyond just taking classes.  Truly understanding the depths of the mind/body/breath connection was important to me.   I shared my thoughts with Laura who encouraged me to listen to my heart and follow my dream.  So, I signed up for the 11 month program.  It was a wonderful experience and during the training I came  to realize that I wanted to be able to share this wonderful practice with others and provide light and encouragement to help others see the best in themselves.


Favorite yoga pose?

I love Prasarita Padottanasana, standing wide legged forward fold.  I typically push myself in classes and when we come to this pose, it always calms my mind and helps me reconnect to my breath.  Additionally there are so many variations that can be offered to student or taken when practicing this posture, so it allows for creativity to express yourself and truly listen to what your body and mind need that day at that time.

Tips for Beginners

Many people I speak with are often intimidated to come into a studio because they feel they are not “expert” yogis and are afraid that they will be judged by fellow students.   Yoga is an individual practice, not a competition.  It is about letting go of ego and judgement and having fun. (A quote from Alex L.). It is about breathing and finding your mind/body connection not about being “perfect” in every posture.  Yoga is a journey.  Step out of your comfort zone and try multiple classes to find what fills your heart and soul.  I promise you the risk is worth the reward.

Favorite Quote

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” – Dr. Seuss

Instagram Name

Srjacobs5 <– Suasan’s megawatt smile will brighten your day! 

Interesting Fact about Me

I grew up on a farm in rural Ohio where most of my family still reside.  My farm roots have played a strong influence in my beliefs and work ethic.  I love going back there to the “simple” life, seeing the sunset followed by stars twinkling at night, smelling the clean fresh air, seeing deer run across the open fields as well as trees and green grass for miles and miles.

When I am not doing yoga,  I love to

Hang out with my family – my husband Jay, my son Nick, twin daughters Emily and Alison and our furry friends Parker and Scotty.  I also love to cook, share a bottle of wine with friends, spin, hike and travel to warm climates.

Meet the Teacher Angie C

Have you ever taken Angie C’s class? If you love a great flow, powerful intentions, & amazing music; Angie is your JAM! She is a woman wise beyond her years & with a soft powerful delivery she brings you to a place in your practice that allows you to see yourself as whole. Plus her Instagram game is on point! (hehe) give her a follow & find yourself in her class soon! *She has a day job in surgery but subs often & you can always find her in Glen Ellyn Sundays (worth the trip if you are not in the neighborhood). 
1. When & how did you come to yoga yourself?
As vulnerable this answer is, I know many others resort to yoga for the same reason. I suffered from severe depression, anxiety and an eating disorder the majority of my life. I had only ever known the feeling of constant anxiety until I took my first yoga class with our loved Lara when I was 14 years old and was introduced in a new light the actual feeling of being present for once while in savasana. Later on when I was in treatment and was exploring  yoga, my doctors would have me sit down and list the 7 attitudes of mindfulness before every appointment. I saw how my treatment and what was talked about in yoga align in harmony and found it be the best prescription I have ever received!
2. What made you decide to start teaching (or take TT)? 
I became a regular practicing yoga at a health club where many teachers were surprised to see someone so young take the practice seriously. They suggested I become a teacher but it was not until I found a teacher who’s style I loved and saw how much my practice had helped me in all aspects that I wanted to share what I learned to those around me.
3. Favorite yoga pose: Horizon lunge, because who doesn’t love a good hip opener?! And it’s a great transition posture to another favorite, half moon.
4. Who inspires your teaching?
Without a doubt, Jenny T. She teaches in a style I love to practice in. Her classes are dance-like which I admire with my gymnastics background but her classes also leave you questioning and laughing at how you ended up in one posture to the next so effortlessly because she teaches so simply! My students as well inspire me, reminding me the purpose of why I teach. I love to see them get lost in their practice, hear their breath, see their expressions, periods of rest and of course their stories after class! It reminds me why so many of us prioritize our time on our mat.
5. Tips for beginners (or advanced yogis maybe):
Do what feels good! almost daily I hear people become attached to the idea that they can’t do yoga because they’re not “good at it”. There is no such thing as “being good” at yoga! Each time we come to our mats we will feel different physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically. Accept what is and move to what feels most healing to you in the moment. You will see if you take that on and off the mat, you will be much more content in life.
6. Favorite quote: 
“Seek to be whole, not perfect”
7. Instagram name:
@angelinanahata  <— Her car stories will make you laugh out loud & probably spit out your smoothie! Your jaw will drop when you see this lady lift! She is a Jill of all trades & funny funny funny! Give her a follow. 
8. Interesting fact about you:
I live the best of both worlds. During the day I am in the operating room, by night I’m in the yoga studio! I assist in a variety of surgery at a level 1 trauma hospital including neurosurgery and transplant!
9. When I am  not doing yoga I like to;
Weightlift but I’ll pass on the cardio💁 and explore all the cutest coffee shops! My favorites are Brewpoint in Elmhurst, My Half of The Sky in Wheaton and Sip of Hope in Logan Square! FB_IMG_1586963736858

Meet the Teacher Jill Lu

Jill knows the importance of pushing yourself physically & giving your body time to rest. Both on & off the mat Jill is a leader who connects with her students on a real level. She has an attitude that will brighten your day & allow you to see how strong you really are – inside & out! Unroll your mat with Jill one Sunday morning (or in one of the MANY classes she subs throughout the week) & merge your workout with your workIN! 
1. When & how did you come to yoga yourself? I discovered my love for yoga about 6 years ago while I was going through a transitional period in my life. My friend, Nikki, suggested I take Loreta’s class with her and I fell in love with yoga.
2. What made you decide to start teaching (or take TT)? I am a Dean at a high school and wanted to implement yoga in some way. After teacher training at YBD I started an alternative to detention yoga program with our restorative justice team. I always loved taking HIIT/Pilates with Carole and trained for that as well and was really excited to teach it.
3. Favorite yoga pose: Savasana
4. Who inspires your teaching? There are so many instructors that inspire my teaching at YBD. I try to learn a little every time I take a class.
5. Tips for beginners (or advanced yogis maybe): Keep going! Some of it may seem difficult at first, but it is so exciting to see what you can accomplish if you continue your practice.
6. Favorite quote:🌈 “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud” Maya Angelou 🌈
7. Instagram name: jilllupescu
8. When I am  not doing yoga I like to;  Spend time with my family and friends.  I enjoy running, biking, concerts, or anything that puts me outdoors.

Meet the Teacher Becca S

Becca has a way of making us all feel graceful & fun like dancers in her class. Her choreography background shines though & her ability to meet you on your mat & give you the direction & space you need is unbeatable. You won’t leave her class feeling like a different person, you will leave class feeling more like yourself than ever before!
1. When & how did you come to yoga yourself?
I dabbled in yoga during high school and college but I didn’t really find my consistent practice until 2013. I was 22, living with my parents in Wisconsin, totally lost, and anxious about the concept of being an adult. Yoga calmed me and gave me a space to release that anxiety, let go of the need to control, and open up to what the world had to offer outside “My Plan.” I moved to Illinois and found my way to YBD in early 2014 and I was instantly hooked! I started teacher training a few months later 🙂
2. What made you decide to start teaching (or take TT)?
I was previously a dancer and I did a lot of choreography for various dance and performing arts throughout high school and college. After I graduated, I missed having a creative outlet. I also didn’t know anyone in the Chicago suburbs and thought it would be a good way to meet some like-minded people. Teaching yoga has offered me not only a creative outlet but a chance to connect with people on a more personal level. It’s been a real gift!
3. Favorite yoga pose:
It changes often, but lately I’ve really been loving upavistha konasana (wide-angle seated forward fold) because it’s both grounding and opens up the hips, hamstrings and lower back really nicely!
4. Who inspires your teaching?
So many people – but especially other teachers at the studios. If I’m ever feeling blocked creatively, I take a yoga class. I also love Instagram as a resource for new ways to explain poses or as a resource for challenging transitions and variations to offer in my classes.
5. Tips for beginners (or advanced yogis maybe):
No matter what your skill level is, practice according to your current state of mind. The best way to get the most out of your practice is to be in your body. Listen to its messages and take them to heart. That’s when you really start to feel connected and you can start to see shifts in your body and your mind.
6. Favorite quote: 
All poems by Erin Hanson (@thepoeticunderground on Instagram)
Also, “Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is.” – Mandy Hale
7. Instagram name:
8. Interesting fact about you:
I have the goal of visiting every National Park in the U.S. So far, by boyfriend and I have hiked at 13 of them! <—Let Becca know your favorite park, maybe share some hiking trails & must see spots! 
9. When I am  not doing yoga I like to;
Spend time with my family and be outside! I also love to read, cook, and befriend every dog I meet.becca yoga 2.jpg

Meet the Teacher Todd C

Are you looking for a challenge? Do you like to learn the why & how? Find yourself in one of Todd’s classes & be prepared to walk out a whole different yogi! The way Todd sequences his classes is so intelligent you will amaze yourself at what you can do physically on your mat. But it wont stop there, his understanding of yoga philosophy will keep you coming back for more. Go ahead, ask him anything, Todd loves to learn & share his love for yoga.  
1. When & how did you come to yoga yourself? I came to yoga rather late in life. I was in my mid 40’s and a distance cyclist. I knew I needed to work of my flexibility and yoga seemed the best method.
2. What made you decide to start teaching (or take TT)? I kept hearing the logic messages in class and I wanted to deepen my practice and understanding of yogic philosophy. I never intended to teach.
3. Favorite yoga pose: On a good day, Urdva Kukatasana – upward facing cock pose. It requires flexibility, strength and the willingness to fail while learning!
4. Who inspires your teaching? Lately I have been inspired by Dylan Werner, an amazing yogi and super challenging teacher. I love his creative transitions and approach to arm balances.
5. Tips for beginners (or advanced yogis maybe): Practice for the sake of practicing, and let go of the outcome. “Practice, and all is coming.”
6. Favorite quote: Never give up, always let go.
7. Instagram name: YogiTodd <—There are so many female insta yogis, give Todd a follow for a great look into a male’s perspective of the yoga world…plus he takes great trips! 
8. Interesting fact about you: I started working when I was six years old. That is when I got my first paper route. And Alas, I have been working ever since!
9. Regular teaching schedule: 
Tuesdays in Elmhurst, YBD2 at 4:30 – buckle up for this one! <— Well now I am interested, whos joining me??
Wednesdays in Western Springs – Restorative at 4:30 and a YBD1 at 6.
Thursdays in Downers Grove, YBD2 at 6 pm.
10. When I am  not doing yoga I like to: TRAVEL! Hiking, cycling, seeing live music and spending time with my lovely wife, Monique.

Meet the Teacher Jenny T

Jenny T’s classes get you into a space where all that matters is you, your breath, & your mat. Join her in Wheaton (she subs a ton in Glen Ellyn too) for one of her beautifly sequenced classes that will have you floating out of the door. Jenny gives you space to challenge yourself; whether that is a difficult to master balancing pose or the ever difficult to master: space of peace & calm in your mind. Find yourself in her class & she will help you find yourself!
1. When & how did you come to yoga yourself?
I attended Arizona State University with the intention of teaching Dance and health in Physical Education. For my student teaching experience, they paired me with a mentor who created and implemented yoga curriculum to the Gilbert school district, Teresa Lake. I had never practiced before, and as a dancer, I didn’t really like it! But I had to begin teaching her classes! It didn’t take long before I fell in love with the practice and have been teaching and taking classes ever since. Eventually, I travelled to the Big Island of Hawaii to grow my practice and officially earned my 200 training certification.
2. Favorite yoga pose:
There are too many to count! I love starting my practice in a huge open supported fish, I love the continuous challenge of Ardhachandrasana (standing half moon), and most days I feel like I NEED a pigeon pose 🙂 
3. Who inspires your teaching?
The students! Gosh, our community is amazing. I love seeing students smiling on their mats and almost immediately seeing their stress melt away as they get centered on their mats. It makes me want to continually become a better instructor. 
4. Tips for beginners (or advanced yogis maybe):
Be gentle with yourself! One of the most beautiful things about the practice of yoga is there’s no pressure. No expectations. Show up on your mat and do what feels good no matter what that looks like on any given day. Be patient with the practice as not many leave on day one (or even day 200 for that matter) feeling like they know what they’re doing!
5. Favorite quote:
Ooh I have so many! One that I keep coming back to lately is from Etty Hittlesum, “Sometimes, the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take in between two breaths.”
6. Instagram name:  Jennylynneyogi  **Jenny loves outdoor yoga, give her a follow & follow along on her adventures!
7. Regular teaching schedule: Day/Time/Format/Location
Thursdays in Wheaton
YBD 2 95 @4:30
YBD 2 95 @ 6:00
Restorative @ 8:15
8. When I am  not doing yoga I like to;
Be doing anything outdoors! Walk, run, bike, even yoga outside! The sun makes my heart happy. 

Meet the Teacher Serafina B

If you want to get up & going on the weekend I suggest starting your Saturday with a Serafina class. She has solid consistent energy, super welcoming personality & a background that makes class challenging & SO. MUCH. FUN!
1. When & how did you come to yoga yourself? 
-When I was playing basketball In college, I would come home for breaks and wanted to do something to stay in shape other than my basketball trainer. YBD had just opened in Western Springs and my mom became obsessed with Yoga Sculpt. I didn’t think I would like it, I wasn’t too into Yoga. But the minute I felt the heat of the room and the love from the YBD community, I was hooked.
2. What made you decide to start teaching (or take TT)? 
-I had just graduated from college and was craving something to take the place of basketball. Carol asked me about Yoga Sculpt training and I jumped at the opportunity. 
3. Favorite yoga pose: 
-Crow- it takes balance, concentration, and patience. Hardest yoga pose? Shavasana- it is very hard for me to be still, turn my mind off, and breathe. 
4. Who inspires your teaching?
-My students. YBD has an amazing community of students who are unjudgemental, supportive, and full of love.
5. Tips for beginners (or advanced yogis maybe): 
-Learn to feel comfortable in the uncomfortable, it is challenging but it will take you to amazing places. 
6. Favorite quote:
-“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.And that is why I succeed.” 
7. Instagram name: serafina_barnes
8. Interesting fact about you: 
-I have played competitive basketball in Italy and Greece.
9. Regular teaching schedule: Day/Time/Format/Location: 
Saturday, 7:30, Western Springs
10. When I am  not doing yoga I like to: 
-Take any and all group fitness classes, chase around my toddler, and stare at my 5 month old till he gives me those amazing giggles. 

Meet the Teacher Jenny B (Jagatjeet Kaur)

Many of you know Jenny B (Jagatjeet Kaur) from her monthly sound healings. But finding out how she got there is a story all on it’s own. Read more to find out how your favorite sound healer became the amazing teacher she is today!

1. When & how did you come to yoga yourself?

I started practicing yoga 21 years ago after my doctor prescribed it to relieve my anxiety and panic disorder. I didn’t know what to think at first. I actually wanted to walk out of my first class. But then we chanted, and I was hooked.

2. What made you decide to start teaching (or take TT)?

I went back to practicing after the birth of my son, and the teacher asked if I ever wanted to become a yoga teacher. I answered yes. She said that training started on Monday. That Monday was my birthday. I took it as a sign. The rest is history.

3. Favorite yoga pose: Savasana

4. Who inspires your teaching? My son, Michael. He is my greatest teacher.

5. Tips for beginners (or advanced yogis maybe): Just show up and keep up.

6. Favorite quote: Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

7. Instagram name: jennyjagatjeet <—Jenny loves to post pictures of hearts she sees all around her, give her a follow & I bet love will start to follow you too! 

8. Interesting fact about you: I produced television for 15 years before teaching yoga and won two Emmys. <—I have worked with her for 6 years & never knew this!!

9. Regular teaching schedule: Tuesdays 1:30p Restorative Wheaton and the Monthly Sound Healings

10. When I am not doing yoga I like to; Isn’t everything we do yoga?😉

Meet the Teacher Andrea R!

Never heard of her? Formally known as Andrea B! 👰 (Congratulations to Andrea & Brad on your recent wedding!)

1) How did you find yoga?
I, like so many people started with a “free week” in Wheaton about 7 years ago. At the time I was focusing all my fitness energy on lifting and running. I took a couple of regular yoga classes, and then i tried sculpt with Fiona; and I was absolutely hooked! It’s taken time for me to be able to settle my mind and be able to practice vinyasa and even restorative, but sculpt was a love for the beginning!
2) When did you decide to to take Teacher Training?
I decided I wanted to start teaching because of Fiona. I was almost exclusively taking her classes, the workout was fun and effective and her energy just contagious. I wanted to make people feel how she made me feel when class was over.
3) What is your favorite yoga pose?
My favorite yoga pose is half moon. It was such a challenge for me to get over my ego and use props. That was the pose that it just clicked. Using props does not mean your yoga practice is less than the person next to you. I had a teacher put a block under my hand in half moon and my alignment completely changed. The block improved my pose, it wasn’t a crutch, it was a tool.
4) Who inspires you?
A lot of my fitness inspiration comes from my mom. She’s been in a wheelchair since she was 14, yet nothing holds her back. She is at the gym 5+ days a week always getting it done. Anyone working hard, working out of their comfort zone to change their life and their body inspires me. So many of my students inspire me as well, watching someone take their first class and then stick with it for months and seeing how their energy and lives have changed; the transformation is beyond inspiring.
5) Try new classes! Try ALL the classes! I had no intention when I first started at ybd of taking restorative or regularly practicing yoga. But i am so so glad I forced myself to do it. There is something to be learned and gained from every single format. Try new teachers too, we have such an amazing community and everyone has something different to offer.
6) Favorite quote:
“Though she be but little, she is fierce!” Shakespeare
7) How do we find you on social media?
8) I’m married, to a man that’s never done yoga haha
9) Monday 9:00 DG sculpt
    Tuesday 6am fusion DG
                   930 sculpt Elmhurst
   Wednesday 8 sculpt WS
                       930 fusion WS
                       430 sculpt GE
                       615pm sculpt Wheaton
 Thursday 6am fusion WS
                  930am sculpt WS
                  430 Hiit Pilates GE
                  715 Hiit Pilates Wheaton
Friday 9am dg sculpt
           12pm Hiit Pilates WS
Saturday 9am Sculpt Wheaton
10) When I’m not doing yoga I like to spend time with my HUSBAND, family and friends. We like to go out to eat, we play a lot of games, and we watch way too much Netflix! I’m a summer person so when it’s cold, you’ll find me hiding inside, but come summer you can’t keep me in! image0