Month: November 2017

Mindful Monday: Know Your Mind

Hello Dear Ones!

Another Monday has arrived. A beautiful fresh clean slate.

Remember that your mind doesn’t control you; you control your mind!

So fill your thoughts with abundance, acceptance, love, happiness, joy, prosperity. Fill your heart with compassion, laughter, tolerance.

Look for the goodness in every single person you meet. Even if you may need to look really, really long and hard.

Happiness is a choice. Entirely 100% up to you and you alone.

Through mindfulness practices like yoga, we begin to ascertain the deeply seeded thought patterns and reactions we’ve supplanted into our own minds. How easy it is to go on auto pilot and just react to situations that appear to be similar to those we’ve experienced in the past.

These samskaras become so deeply embedded into our subconscious that we are unaware of its effects on our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors.

We become trapped in this karmic wheel which keeps spinning around and around as we continue to react again and again.

These patterns are deeply rooted into our psyche. It takes deep awareness and dedication to acknowledge and uproot the samskaras.

To truly know your mind, you must find mental stillness in order to observe. From this place of observation and non-judgment, slowly one moment at a time our samskaras will reveal themselves.

Your yoga practice is such an amazing place to explore and familiarize.

Practicing yoga at least three times a week will have a profound effect in your life physically, mentally, emotionally and metaphysically.

Let’s commit to our mats during this crazy stressful and awesome holiday season.

This week Will be only as awesome as you decide to make it.

So much gratitude for you! Namaste.

Mindful Monday: Thanks

Happy chilly Monday dearest loveliest ones!

How on earth is it the week of Thanksgiving is my question. 2017 has flown on wings it seems.

Here we officially kick-off the season where yoga pants come in really handy for the serious meals heading our way! I’m so darn thankful for yoga pants.

Through yoga, we know that being grateful is a daily practice. We train our minds to reframe the tendency to focus from lacking to abundance. It starts to become a habit.

And this single daily habit has the power to vastly transform your life. The practice of gratitude makes everything Whole and complete and perfect. Gradually we begin to see and understand that what we have and who we are is enough.

It always has been. We just couldn’t see it because our lens was clouded with tendencies to compare ourselves to others; to crave what we don’t have; this constant compulsion to upgrade.

Or that thing we do where we project future happiness and contentment based on a specific set of circumstances.

All of it is really pretty silly when we stop and observe ourselves. This constant spinning and circumventing and projecting and dreaming and regretting and blaming and being down on ourselves. On and on and on our monkey minds whirl.

Then we pause, unroll our mats and climb on. And all of that mental activity is paused. And we take a deep breath and let it go. And we do that again and again and again. And we fill our minds up with the sound and sensation and miracle of our breath.

And there it is. Sitting quietly. Waiting for us. Whatever the heck it was we were spinning around frantically searching for. In the stillness and the silence of our minds, we can finally hear the quiet almost inaudible whisper of our hearts.

Sigh. How lovely is it to feel the strength and flexibility of our own bodies? How lucky are we that we woke up this morning and have the opportunity to read this blog? There’s food in our refrigerator that’s powered by electricity. We have warm clothes to protect us from the harsh wind. We actually have an overabundance of anything that we need. We have the luxury to give away our excess to those less fortunate. This list continues endlessly.

Think of all the things you have to be grateful for. Fill your heart to overflowing with gratitude. And from this space, devote yourself to service. It can be anything! Just make someone around you smile. Go out of your way to help someone who can never repay you. Be kind and tolerant even when you are irritated. I know you, my dearest sweetest Yogi friend, already do so much to uplift those around you!

When we talk about service to others, we are talking about the ultimate high in terms of happiness. Nothing is more gratifying and soul feeding than that.

For the past 30 years, my family and I have served meals to those in need on Thanksgiving Day. Honestly I can’t imagine doing anything else on that day. Please contact me if you’re interested in this service opportunity. Kids love it!

And the bonus for all of us? Each of our studios will offer yoga classes on Thanksgiving day. Check the schedule! Morning classes, all formats. Schedules will vary by studio.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Student Spotlight: Read Why Former NFL Player and YBD Member Chris Watt Hits the Mat

Those who practice yoga have all begun their yoga journey for different reasons. Among the many reasons, some start off by being dragged by a friend, some heard it can help with stress, some came to try something new, and others just came because they were curious. Retired NFL player, Chris Watt started his practice via DVDs watched during college football practice but really found his true enjoyment of yoga, and in turn his habitual practice of yoga, following major injuries acquired during his lifelong sport play. Born and raised in Glen Ellyn, Chris went on to play offensive line at Notre Dame. He was then drafted by the San Diego Chargers where he continued to play offensive line for three years before tearing his PCL and stepping down from his NFL career. His focus on healing his body took him to his yoga mat with us at YBD.

What got you started practicing yoga?

I felt like my injuries combined with finishing my career in football, I felt a little lost. A former teammate of mine had told me about the benefits he had experienced. His neck was so compressed until he started practicing and actually grew a half inch taller. He had benefited from an injury standpoint so I thought I would give it a try.

How has your practice benefited you?

I love practicing in the heat. I feel it loosens up my joints so I try to get to class early to move on my mat. There are definitely postures my range of motion prevents me from moving into. But it’s definitely helped with improving my range of motion thus far. I’ve seen changes in my sleep, my stress levels have lowered. I’ve been able to get out of my own head and focus more. My flexibility has improved and I do feel a lot better in general.

What advice do you have for athletes hesitant to try yoga?

I think that you should always do something that’s going to benefit you as an athlete. More people are starting to realize the benefits of yoga. It’s not just for women it’s for men too. You can get so many benefits out of it like flexibility and better sleep, all of these things so important to staying healthy and healthy on the field. I wish I would’ve done it sooner! Don’t worry about being judged on your skill level. Everyone is different and teachers are encouraging.

What is your favorite style of yoga to practice?

I like the 105 YBD HOT class and I occasionally do the sculpt classes which is tough! It’s definitely humbling as well. When I first started I had to go into child’s pose four or five times. Slowly I’ve built up my practice.

What is your favorite pose?

Going into downward dog feels good, especially as my flexibility has improved. Chair pose is probably my best pose that I’ve focused on improving on. I couldn’t do it at first because of my knee but now that it’s getting better I feel that I’ve been able to improve.


Mindful Monday: Just Breathe

Good morning, dearest ones!

As we launch into this new work week, remember to breathe!

If you’re running late, just breathe

If your kids are moving at less than optimal speed, just breathe

If there’s a long line in front of you at your local coffee shop, just breathe

If you catch every single red light, just breathe

If the person next to you on the train is loudly talking on their phone, just breathe

If your meetings are filled with long-winded monologues, just breathe

If the IT person is taking forever to look at your machine, just breathe

If on the way to yoga class today you’re stuck behind the slowest driving person in the history of mankind, just breathe

And as you breathe, remember to count your blessings. One by one.

I always count you among my many many blessings.

Make it a great week, yogis!

November Pose of the Month

Half Moon Pose; Ardha Chandrasana (ARD-uh chan-DRAHS-uh-nuh) 

* Ardha – Half  * Chandr – Moon * Asana – Pose * 

In the body Ardha Chandrasana strengthens the thighs, ankles, abdomen, and buttocks. It opens the chest, shoulders, and torso, while lengthening the spine. This pose also stretches the groins, hamstrings, & calves.

Therapeutically Ardha Chandrasana helps to relieve anxiety, backache, menstrual pain, Sciatica, & is very energizing helping to fight off fatigue. This pose is not one to practice right before bed, but bright & early in the morning or to rev up during the 3pm lull in the day.

Most of all Ardha Chandrasana improves your sense of full body coordination, increasing body awareness & proprioception (your sense of your body’s position in space). Ardha Chandrasana brings a new found grace & poise to your life making you more aware of your body’s movements & that can help prevent injury. So as the sidewalks get slippery with cool autumn rains that lead to snow & ice of winter you will be prepared to weather the weather the most balanced you that you can be!

How to Ardha Chandrasana

1: Begin in Triangle pose; Trikonasana placing your top hand on your hip. Inhale bend your front knee & begin to slide your back foot forward & up. Your bottom hand slides forward as well in front of  your grounded foot.

2: Exhale place your bottom hand & foot firmly onto the floor (block optional & very helpful under your hand). Lift back leg parallel to the earth & extend actively through heal to keep the raised leg strong.

3: Rotate your trunk to the sky, option to raise top hand. Lengthen your spine & keep head in a neutral position, gaze forward.

4: Stay 30 seconds to 1 minute then return softly to Trikonasana & repeat on the opposite side. Feel amazing!

IMG_7187 (1).jpg

Mindful Monday: Go With the Flow 

Happy happy Monday, y’all!  How about that extra hour of sleep you got last night? What a perfect way to begin today with a feisty attitude of gratitude!

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”

Would you like to be happy for the rest of your life? Then follow that one simple idea by Lao Tzu. It’s truly that simple. Yet … 

We’ve been resisting change literally since birth! Born into a cold, loud world, we start our lives crying and in shock. 

And change continues to happen so rapidly. And we fight it every step of the way … even before we learn to actually articulate the word, “No!”

It continues through childhood. Resisting the rules and expectations first from our parents then our teachers and society at large.  

Do I even have to mention teenage rebelliousness here?

And finally as adults … we continue to resist! Yes, one side of us strives to fulfill our social duties, obligations and expectations in exchange for acceptance from our family, friends  and colleagues. But the other side of us craves to revolt against every belief, dogma and standard that has ever been forced down our throats! We long to throw caution to the wind and live with our own rules and experience freedom. 

Just think of how you react when you show up to yoga and your favorite teacher had to sub out class last minute. Or you open up an app you use every day and it’s been completely updated and it’s super hard to navigate. We simply don’t like change.  Which makes us resistant. Annoyed. Inconvenienced. Not happy. 

And this is just the little stuff, right? 

Some big stuff has happened in my life lately, and I’m struggling to accept and go with the flow. So much easier said than done. A friend of mine who I’ve known for nearly thirty years – my best friend during my rebellious and exploratory, toeing the line 20s – was placed on life support recently.  I’m still reeling from the shock of it. Disbelief. Regret. So much inner resistance. 

Other stuff too. No need for details. You get it. We are all struggling and battling with our own inner turmoil each day. 

So how do I deal with this huge curveball that life has thrown at me?

Each time my feelings and thoughts overwhelm me, I just breathe deeply and allow myself to experience whatever bubbled up. 

I then direct my awareness to so many fond memories and I feel grateful for all the time we had together.  And I dedicate my efforts to her throughout the day. Doing things on her behalf that she may not ever do again.  Or truth be told, she would never do anyway. I could never get that girl on a yoga mat! 

And I remember that despite the lie we all whisper to ourselves, that there is enough time, life is fragile and amazing and each moment is a blessing. Each breath truly a gift. 

My work is non-resistance. To open and accept and laugh and love as much as I can for as long as I am able. 

Let’s stop wasting time complaining about the weather or other things we cannot change. Let’s live with purpose and joy and acceptance. 

Something magical will happen to you today! I feel it coming. Best. Monday. Ever. 🙏🏾

Meet Jill L. YBD’s November Teacher of the Month

On days that feel a little gloomy with the clouds and early sundown, spending an hour with Jill feels like sunshine! She is a warm, kind, and loving soul which very much so translates to her teaching. She completed her teaching training with YBD in 2016, and has been sharing her love of yoga through all of our class formats with others ever since! We are grateful to have her on our YBD team; for her connection to her students and for always showing up with her contagious smile. Here’s where you can find her!

Class Schedule…

Tuesday – Downers Grove
Sculpt Fusion 4:30pm
YBD2 95 6:00pm
Wednesday – Elmhurst
Yoga Sculpt 12:00pm
HIIT Pilates 6:00pm
Saturday – Wheaton
Yoga Sculpt 9:00am
Saturday – Elmhurst
YBD2 105 4:00pm
When & how did you come to yoga?
I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years! Yoga became my primary form of exercise in 2009 after knee & hip surgeries kept me from running. It was then that I truly found my love of yoga. I began feeling strong. Yes, I became physically stronger but, more importantly, I found an inner strength that I had not known before. As I continue to grow in my physical practice of yoga, I also continue to grow mentally and spiritually. This is a very powerful combination! Yoga fuels me and allows me to feel prepared for the ups and downs of life.
Why did you start teaching yoga?
I found YBD in 2014 and quickly felt it was my second home. I was excited every time I went to class, and always looked forward to the next one. I completed YBD’s 200 hour RYT program in 2016 with hopes of sharing this love of the practice with others. I believe in the healing and strengthening powers of yoga and hope that each of my students experience this as well.
What is your favorite pose?
There are many poses that could be favorites but dancer pose comes to my mind first. This pose requires balance, strength, flexibility and patience. It makes me feel calm and graceful yet fierce and strong.
Who inspires your teaching?
My students inspire me! I love to  watch students grow in their own practice and in themselves. And most of all, I love the “yoga bliss” I see in students after class!
Tips for beginners…
Find and hold on to whatever it is that keeps you coming to your mat. Resist the urge to focus on just the physical practice of yoga. Pay attention to how your practice makes you feel inside and out.
What’s your favorite quote?
“Strength and growth come only from continuous effort and struggle”
Napolean Hill