Month: January 2021

Wellness Wednesday: Moving into Sacred Space

As our practice deepens, the more we acknowledge the connection between our mind and body. The condition of one affects the condition of the other. By understanding this concept, we can gently approach our needs appropriately.

When the body receives a clear directive from the mind, it knows exactly what to do but when our mind is overwhelmed we feel our muscles tense, our breath shortens, and we later find ourselves feeling constricted when it may become unbearable.

It is in these moments when we sit down to meditate, we let our bodies know that it is okay to slow, be still and rest. This simple validation presents itself as a sensation we can feel both physically and mentally. We discover that this space that has been created has no hard, definable edges. It is a vast, open, sacred space where we our tension we once experienced can now spread thin where we now have the ability to simply observe it without emotional attachment. It becomes sacred as it is a relief that only we can feel for ourselves and a safe space we feel cannot be judged except for ourself.



Wellness Wednesday: Healing With Hurt

In my own practice this week I had a phrase in my mind that consistently present itself that said, “you cannot heal from what you cannot feel”. As someone once told me, “if you can name it you can claim it, you can tame it.” But there is a variety of words that can be used to describe what is happening in our inner vessel and that first step can be the most difficult initiation to begin healing.

It important to realize that this pain we have stored needs to be acknowledged and processed. The thought of this brings up feelings of resistance in most of us, especially if on the surface, our lives seem to be in order. The longer we sit on it, the harder it is to work through, and the more likely it is to present itself as an inconvenience later on. Rather than waiting for this to happen, we can empower ourselves by identifying the pain and resolving to take action toward healing it.



Wellness Wednesday: New Year in Script

Happy Wellness Wednesday, friends!

As we enter the new year we may question or become anxious what the moments ahead of us will bring. In a way, our life can be compared to an ongoing movie script in which we have complete creative control.

We each contain the power to examine what works or isn’t working and initiate “edits” to our life’s script. As we continue to evolve overtime, we have the choice to accept the script we have written so far or edit it so we can create a life that fulfills us to our contentment. We can decide to cut out portions from what no longer serves purpose and add more of what does to make our heart full. The manifestation of these thoughts as realities in our life will inevitably follow as we become aware of our life’s script.

