Month: August 2020

Wellness Wednesday: Detaching What No Longer Serves

As emotional beings, when our heart strings are attached to someone or something, it can feel like a great act of courage to leave it. We may even simply settle to avoid such pain and later question where we find most joy.

One reason we may stay attached is because we almost flirt with the idea that true happiness is not available for us. We feel as though we are benefitting ourself by avoiding the pain of change. On the other hand, we yearn to fulfill our desire for relationships that are healing. In the end, most of us will follow this intuition because deep within ourselves we know that we deserve to be happy despite what moment we are immersed in. First, though, we may need to summon the courage to move forward from what no longer serves us.

While we may feel lost at first, the alignment we will later feel will help us realize how much energy we were giving away from settling into what does not serve us. We learn that the disentangling only brings us closer to the happiness we deserve, to what actually serves us.




When we find ourselves questioning our worthiness, we may unconsciously confuse our worth with our self esteem as the two are often interchanged. It is important we recognize the difference between the two. Self-esteem is the measure of how we feel about ourself at a moment in time but our worth, though, is not a product of our intelligence, talent, looks or productivity.

Who and what we are continuously changes as we move through life, but our innate worth remains constant. It is in our ability to claim our space in this life as humans to see our own self worth. In the end, we each are equally, exactly, completely worthy of being here in this life. No one else has experienced life the exact same as us and no one can take it away from us. So when we lose a sense of self worth, often it is because we have lost track of understanding this fundamental truth.

We hold the power to become content as we want our mind to be. While choosing positivity may not have an immediate effect on our situation, it will likely have a lasting effect on the quality of our perception and experiences. Once we commit to choosing good thoughts, we begin to acknowledge that we are worthy and have been all this time.



Wellness Wednesday: Space To Heal

When we move through our lives consciously aware of a pain that pulsates beneath our daily life, we may find ourselves identifying with it. We may use it as a reason to explain why we are the way we are or why we perceive the world the way we do. It feels as if it part of us. But acknowledging this can invite us to explore deeper to the root of our hurt because after all, the longer we hold our hurt, the more difficult it is to work and feel through our hurt.

One of the reasons we store our hurt is because emotional awareness is not traditionally supported. With such heavy sensation festering without an outlet, we may notice our hurt become buried deep into our physical body. We learn that carrying our hurt is an inconvenience to us as it may rob us from the light-hearted energy we have yet to experience in days to come all because we decide to hold space for something that no longer serves us.

In order to create a space of healing, we must acknowledge and honor the heaviness. In doing so we invite ourselves to sit in the midst of what seems like chaos. To sit with our feelings takes a lot of courage as it forces us to surrender to the power they obtain but it is nothing more than what we can handle and that is a promise made to us. Our feelings simply want to be felt but all too often we resort to the comfort of numbing, avoiding and ignoring. Despite how scary it may seem, we find true comfort in the emotional freedom when we allow ourself the space to heal.

