Day: April 3, 2014

Meet our YBD Teacher of the Month: Meghan

Meet the lovely Meghan, our inspiring Yoga by Degrees Teacher of the Month!  Meghan is a 200-hour certified yoga teacher, certified sculpt teacher, co-leader of our Sculpt and 200-hr Teacher Training programs AND Manager of our Western Springs location. Phew! What a busy gal. 🙂 You can enjoy Meghan’s classes in Western Springs and Elmhurst.  To check out Meghan’s class schedule, visit our website: .

So Meg….

When and how did you come to yoga?

As a dance major at University of Wisconsin, Madison, my body was exhausted and overworked. Frequently, my professors would use Yoga as a way to warm up before class and center before large performances. I felt an instant connection to the flow of movement and breath. It felt like I was dancing, but I could allow my mind to slow down, unlike my dance training where my mind was constantly stimulated trying to remember combinations and choreography. After college I started teaching dance and choreographing professionally full time and because my intense training schedule slowed down I finally stepped into an actual Yoga studio. That was it, my mind, body and spirit changed and began to lead me to a passion that was so deeply connected to my dance training yet so different. This experience has lead me to firmly believe and tell my students with passion that, ‘your body will always lead you where you need to be’.

Why did you start teaching yoga?

My now husband and I moved to Chicago in the Spring of 2011, I left all my dance behind….for love, awwwwwwwwwwwwwww 😉 haha, but really I left all the work I had created behind, but it felt right. Once we moved here I was left pondering what to do next, and suddenly the choice became obvious. I just felt that my love of yoga was leading me to begin teaching this practice to others, so I enrolled in teacher training in the summer of 2011. My first job, class and students were at Yoga by Degrees, and I have never looked back. 🙂 Still here and loving this space, community and practice.

What is your favorite pose?
I know you are expecting to hear, ‘Dancer’  ;), but my all time favorite pose is Half Moon.
Who inspires your teaching?
Most definitely my students and fellow teachers. One of the things I love so dearly about Yoga is that it is translated to ‘union’, and for me this is what it is all about, collectively creating and practicing Yoga together as a community. I love watching my students practice and transform it is the most powerful and fulfilling thing for any teacher, this inspires me. I am amazed every time I take a teacher’s class, at the different ways we all translate the practice into teaching, this inspires my teaching and helps me to grow as a teacher.
Tips for beginners…
Let go of how you think your body should look in a posture and really begin to get into how you feel. Stay safe and honor correct alignment, but allow your body to move in a way that feels good for you. Close your eyes often in postures so that you can get into the sensation of the pose, even if you fall out. Remind yourself that yoga is a practice not a perfection, and most importantly trust yourself and your body-it will lead you exactly where you need to be, on and off the mat.
What’s your favorite quote?
“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.” unknown.